Friday, December 18, 2009

Communication at Work - 3 Ways to Improve Communication and Avoid Misunderstandings

Communication at Work - 3 Ways to Improve Communication and Avoid Misunderstandings

Communication at Work - 3 Ways to Improve Communication and Avoid Misunderstandings

By Allie Q Casey

Everyone who has ever held a job has experienced a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of something they said. It seems that communication breakdowns are so common they are accepted as business as usual. Each time I ask someone if they have ever been misunderstood at work the answer is always--yes--demonstrated with a shy smile, a nodding head and maybe rolling eyes. I suspect some guilt in those answers.

When I ask what the cost of such a misunderstanding might be the immediate response seems to trigger a train-of-thought ending in 'aha' moment. Suddenly, the real costs associated with even a simple miscommunication begin to appear like a magicians unending scarf trick. Loss of a customer today due to a misunderstanding could mean lost revenue in the future. Loss of production time now might result in a missed opportunity later. Misunderstandings with a co-worker might result in bad feelings, poor morale, less productivity or costly mistakes. In some professions the result of a misinterpretation can result in death.

Here's how you can decrease misunderstandings and communicate more effectively:

1. Take responsibility for your communication. Whether or not you have initiated a conversation does not let you off the hook for confirming what was said and intended. Create a mind-set that releases you from being right so you have the opportunity to learn.

I recently encountered a sales clerk who refused to shift her thinking about a situation even when her supervisor explained why a garment I was returning had a different number than the receipt. As far as the clerk was concerned, I did not have a receipt and she proceeded to handle the transaction as such. This resulted in more issues, more time lost and a second round of manager intervention. Not to mention my growing aggravation.

To the manager's credit she did an excellent job of explaining what probably happened and after overriding a computer default she expected the return to be handled smoothly. Unfortunately, she failed to confirm the clerk's interpretation of her message assuming she understood.

Responsibility means verifying that your message was interpreted as you intended.

2. Match your listener's communication style. If you are a fast talker but your listener is slower paced they may miss what you are saying as they struggle to process your message. If your style is less direct and you prefer to use a lot of words when communicating you may find that someone with a direct style may lose interest, become distracted and misunderstand your message.

Observe your listener and adjust your style accordingly. If you are the receiver, listen from the speaker's point-of-view and confirm what you've heard. Context is as important as content. Your frame of reference can easily distort an intention if it doesn't match the speaker's.

3. Handle a misunderstanding immediately. If something has gone wrong in the communication process open up the lines of communication as soon as possible. Often the result of a misinterpretation doesn't come to the forefront until a further action has taken place. Rather than place blame, seek to rectify the situation and move forward.

The cost of misunderstandings is too big to ignore. Be a part of the solution by taking responsibility, shifting your style and handling misunderstandings quickly.

Learn 29 more tips, techniques and strategies to communicate and listen effectively by going to and claim your FREE Instant Access 6 Part Audio Series - The Power of Effective Communication and my Bonus gift -- Listening Skills Assessment. Allie Casey, speaker, trainer and coach, helps business people develop instant rapport with anyone, decease misunderstandings and increase productivity and profits.

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In real estate or mortgage lending, the most important quality any agent or representative can bring to the table is their ability to communicate effectively. Misunderstandings accrue often in any business. Being able to understand a misinterpretation and quickly correcting the issues is the key to being a successful representative.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Purchasing Property after a Foreclosure with Seller Financing on FSBOs

If you’re a recent homeowner who has lost their property through foreclosure, give yourself some time to re-group. Know that all is not lost and there are still options for you to re-purchase a home. Start by looking a For-Sale-by-Owner (FSBO) listings and see if a seller would consider a lease option. More often then less, they will if the terms are right.

When you have found the right opportunity, try to work with a document consultant that has experience with purchase documents on FSBO transactions. A consultant typically charges a flat fee and it would be worth the cost to have all the necessary documents relating to the property before you commit to something that may cost you more down the line.

The consultant is not acting as an agent in this transaction, they could only provide support by helping the buyer and seller with obtaining the documents needed to effectively disclose the condition of the property, like the appraisal, preliminary title report, home inspections reports, pest reports, roof reports, etc. As with an buyer, you would want to have all the necessary documents on the property before you commit to a long term agreement.

If the seller agrees to the terms, there will typially be a non-refundable deposit required. Remember, the seller is removing the property from the market to accommodate the lease option. The fee for this accommodation will typically be this deposit. On most FSBOs, the seller will also require the buy to assume all cost of any upfront reports on the property.

If you are a buyer and you would like to present an offer to a seller for a lease with the option to buy, start by asking the seller if they will consider this option. If so, be prepared when presenting your offer and application. A document consultant could also assist with this process as well.

So, if you have been a victim of the recent foreclosure crisis, this process can put you back in position to purchase a home. Some loan programs like through FHA required that you have re-established credit for 2-3 years after a foreclosure. This is in addition to maintaining steady employment, have the required reserves which is 2-6 months of your current proposed monthly payments, plus the amount of any closing cost.

Have your receipts for all payments make to the seller during the lease period. Avoid paying anything in cash. Handwritten receipts are not acceptable in most cases. So, make sure that you have bank receipts (cashiers check or money order) that can be verified. Copies of your cancelled checks will be acceptable.

Provided that everything else is in place, you should have a clear path to loan approval. The most important thing when getting financed is your documentation and that everything can be verified. All payments made to the seller during the lease period are part of your payment history and is part of re-establishing your credit.

This Article was written by Eva Black, a licensed real estate agent with over 23 years of experience in mortgage lender, real estate sales and loan consulting. Specializing in Consulting For Sale Buy Owner Purchase Transaction Servicing the Greater San Francisco Bay Area

The Villa Group –

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

What to look for in a real estate agent

287/365... Studio picImage by Desirée Delgado via Flickr
If you plan to buy a new home or sell your home, you will be more than likely searching for a real estate agent that can help you through the process. You probably have several questions coming to mind as how to find a good real estate agent that can help you find your dream home or sell your home within a short amount of time. The way to find a realtor with your best interest at heart is to look for certain qualities.

The qualities of a great real estate agent include

A good listener – You need a realtor that listens to what you desire in a home as well as one that understand your price range. If you have a realtor that you have explained the highest amount you wish to go for a home is $150,000 but all they want to show you are homes in the $200,000 and up range, then you have a terrible real estate agent. The same goes for the area you have chosen to live. If the realtor is way off track giving you a list of home that are not in the area you have chosen, once again you have a terrible realtor. This means that you certainly do not have a real estate agent that is listening to you.

Works with you – A great real estate agent will gather a list of homes in your price range in the location you desire with the amenities you deserve. They will go with you or meet you at each location and provide you with all the information they can learn regarding the home such as the age of the home, any recent repairs, etc… They will be there during the appraisal of the home and answer any of the questions you may have, help you paperwork, and even provide you with a list of lending companies if you need.

Be objective – You want an objective real estate agent whether you believe it or not. More than likely you are going to fall in love with a house shortly after beginning your search. However, if you have given your realtor a list of what you expect in a home (which you should have), then your realtor will be objective and point out the items on your list that this home may not have. Some of the things could be smaller yard, not close to schools, or whatever. A great real estate agent will point out the items on your list so you can see that this home may not be the perfect fit. You may be happy at first, but later on, you may decide that this home did not meet your needs. Your realtor wants you to find the perfect dream home, if not then you not be as happy with your real estate agent.

Market Wise – A good real estate agent will know the market in the given area, know what areas are high crime, where the schools are located, and other attractions and activities. A professional realtor will know the area they live and work in to better serve their clients.

FL Realty Agents is your answer for finding a Florida Short Sale, Miami Short Sale, or a Palm Beach Short Sale.

By: Jules Henri
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Friday, August 28, 2009

5 Simple Steps on How-To Rent With Bad Credit

Sign Of The Times - ForeclosureImage by respres via Flickr
Get A YES! With Less then Perfect Credit

In today’s economy, so many have lost their homes to foreclosure. And the number is rising. This has a direct result in taking most homeowner from ownership to becoming a tenant. With the down grade status, you now have damaged credit. People are struggling to find a way and a decent roof over their heads. This can be difficult and seeming impossible to handle for most.

Apartment complex’s and property managers tend to use corporate policies and a structured outline in their guidelines to determine acceptance just to rent or lease from them. Your credit report plays first priority in their decision. So if you know your credit is bad, you should avoid the hassle and disappointment in trying to rent through them.

The one thing the foreclosure crisis has done was create more independent landlords who are the actual home or property owner. Their main concern is simply that you can afford to pay the rent PERIOD. Most of them will also what to see your credit report to determine your creditability to pay. But they tend to be more flexible and understand to hardship and life changes. After all, they did just get the “deal of the day” by you losing your home and their gain at a fraction of the cost.

So now, personality and presentation takes center stage. You must make sure that you meet with the owner or someone who represents the owner who will make the final decision. Keep in mind, if you meet with a real estate agent who represents the owner, they will look at this like a property manager. But it won’t hurt to try.

Here are 5 steps you need to take when your express interest in a rental. Remember, before you look at the property you must BE PREPARED.

1. Have an application already completed in advance. Most applications are the same. You can go online and print one out or you can find them at a local stationary store. This shows the owner that you are serious and ready to express your interest in applying for the rental property.

2. Have a copy of your most recent credit report available. You can simply go online and order a copy of your report. Most landlords will charge a fee to pull the report and they still may even with you providing a copy. But, this gives you the opportunity to show your credit history to them in advance and discuss the issues you have with your credit. It also shows that you are being upfront and honest about your situation. So, if credit is the most important thing to them, this process will save you the expense of paying for a credit report that would ultimately be rejected.

3. Write a letter of explanation. Explain any and all derogatory marks on the report. This again allows you to put your issues in writing explaining why your credit is bad and make the letter part of your credit record.

4. Make a copy of the following items:

A) A copy of your driver’s license. This proves you are who you say you are. And now, it’s always part of an application process.

B) Have a copy of your (2) most recent pay stubs. This proves that you are currently employed and it verifies how much you make. Typically, making 3x the amount of the rent is a big plus.

C) Have a copy of your most rent W2. This gives them a better look at your annual income and that you have had steady employment.

D) Have a copy of your most recent bank statement or asset account statements. This will let them know that you have the money for the deposit, the first months rent and possibly 1 or 2 months in reserves. Money will always speak for itself. The more you can show you have the better your odds can be. *in some cases, they may want to increase your deposit and this will show that you have the funds.

5. Make a list of 3 – 5 references. Provide the names and phone numbers of at least 3 to 5 people who can verify your character. This can be a friend, family members, co-workers, or someone who may be a creditor. This simply adds strength to your application package.

8 out of 10 time, you will find that the homeowner is impressed with how prepared you are at the time of viewing the property. And it is the rapport that you build with them that’s most important. You can gain trust by setting a foundation for a great rental relationship.

There are many different website that list homes for rent by the owners. Also use your local newspapers, community bulletins, etc. You many find that this is a very simple process. Not providing a credit report and trying to find someone who won’t ask for one can be time consuming and stressful to say the least. Know what’s on your credit report so that you can start to make the necessary adjustment and correction to improve your credit profile so that you came ultimately get back to prime status.

Sometimes it helps to have an independent agent represent you if you need to go through this process. An agent can screen the home owners, advise them of your situation in advance and set up many appointments for you to view properties that you would likely qualify for even under your circumstances. This will help you to avoid a mountain of rejection and keep a piece of mind by working with one person who truly understands your situation.

Although times have change, the game remains the same. People will always and forever have bad credit. And they will always pay more for what they want unless they make a change in the financial situation.

This Article was written by Eva Black, a licensed real estate agent with over 24 years on experience in mortgage lender, real estate sales and loan consulting. Servicing the Greater San Francisco Bay Area, The Villa Group.

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