Communication at Work - 3 Ways to Improve Communication and Avoid Misunderstandings
By Allie Q Casey
Everyone who has ever held a job has experienced a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of something they said. It seems that communication breakdowns are so common they are accepted as business as usual. Each time I ask someone if they have ever been misunderstood at work the answer is always--yes--demonstrated with a shy smile, a nodding head and maybe rolling eyes. I suspect some guilt in those answers.
When I ask what the cost of such a misunderstanding might be the immediate response seems to trigger a train-of-thought ending in 'aha' moment. Suddenly, the real costs associated with even a simple miscommunication begin to appear like a magicians unending scarf trick. Loss of a customer today due to a misunderstanding could mean lost revenue in the future. Loss of production time now might result in a missed opportunity later. Misunderstandings with a co-worker might result in bad feelings, poor morale, less productivity or costly mistakes. In some professions the result of a misinterpretation can result in death.
Here's how you can decrease misunderstandings and communicate more effectively:
1. Take responsibility for your communication. Whether or not you have initiated a conversation does not let you off the hook for confirming what was said and intended. Create a mind-set that releases you from being right so you have the opportunity to learn.
I recently encountered a sales clerk who refused to shift her thinking about a situation even when her supervisor explained why a garment I was returning had a different number than the receipt. As far as the clerk was concerned, I did not have a receipt and she proceeded to handle the transaction as such. This resulted in more issues, more time lost and a second round of manager intervention. Not to mention my growing aggravation.
To the manager's credit she did an excellent job of explaining what probably happened and after overriding a computer default she expected the return to be handled smoothly. Unfortunately, she failed to confirm the clerk's interpretation of her message assuming she understood.
Responsibility means verifying that your message was interpreted as you intended.
2. Match your listener's communication style. If you are a fast talker but your listener is slower paced they may miss what you are saying as they struggle to process your message. If your style is less direct and you prefer to use a lot of words when communicating you may find that someone with a direct style may lose interest, become distracted and misunderstand your message.
Observe your listener and adjust your style accordingly. If you are the receiver, listen from the speaker's point-of-view and confirm what you've heard. Context is as important as content. Your frame of reference can easily distort an intention if it doesn't match the speaker's.
3. Handle a misunderstanding immediately. If something has gone wrong in the communication process open up the lines of communication as soon as possible. Often the result of a misinterpretation doesn't come to the forefront until a further action has taken place. Rather than place blame, seek to rectify the situation and move forward.
The cost of misunderstandings is too big to ignore. Be a part of the solution by taking responsibility, shifting your style and handling misunderstandings quickly.
Learn 29 more tips, techniques and strategies to communicate and listen effectively by going to and claim your FREE Instant Access 6 Part Audio Series - The Power of Effective Communication and my Bonus gift -- Listening Skills Assessment. Allie Casey, speaker, trainer and coach, helps business people develop instant rapport with anyone, decease misunderstandings and increase productivity and profits.
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In real estate or mortgage lending, the most important quality any agent or representative can bring to the table is their ability to communicate effectively. Misunderstandings accrue often in any business. Being able to understand a misinterpretation and quickly correcting the issues is the key to being a successful representative.